Evaluation Draft Idea

1. What: TITLE 1.1 Subject / area / theme > These are the big words (e.g. creative collaboration, plastic recycling, empowerment, ambient design, sustainability in fashion, inclusivity, accessiblity, wearable technology, primary education, cultural exchange, etc.) 1.2 What it is within the subject area that you intend to focus on > Your subject areas can be… Continue reading Evaluation Draft Idea

Poster Idea

Strength : Size and quantity offer flexibility, which are two advantages of using posters as an advertising medium for a small business. Posters also: Make quick, immediate visual impressions on potential customers. Larger than brochures and flyers and smaller than billboards, posters that feature a compelling message and provocative design boast drawing power. Offer continuous… Continue reading Poster Idea

Video Campaign

https://artslondon-my.sharepoint.com/personal/d_jeong0320161_arts_ac_uk/_layouts/15/onedrive.aspx?id=%2Fpersonal%2Fd%5Fjeong0320161%5Farts%5Fac%5Fuk%2FDocuments%2FAttachments%2FFinal%20output%2Emp4&parent=%2Fpersonal%2Fd%5Fjeong0320161%5Farts%5Fac%5Fuk%2FDocuments%2FAttachments&originalPath=aHR0cHM6Ly9hcnRzbG9uZG9uLW15LnNoYXJlcG9pbnQuY29tLzp2Oi9nL3BlcnNvbmFsL2RfamVvbmcwMzIwMTYxX2FydHNfYWNfdWsvRWVHUjlMMElTaEZNdTFXT3Z3Nnp1b1lCNGVISmpsdlA1aHo5TFBjQmNBUlVidz9ydGltZT1pZDBlUERGVDJFZw (Readers please click on to the link above to watch the video) Message: Where curious minds gather to offer fresh perspectives on the issues/trends influencing sustainable fashion. 11 million tons of textiles are thrown away every year. /That’s 26.7kg of clothing per person in the UK alone./The primary culprit of this fashion waste? /Fast… Continue reading Video Campaign

unit2 assessment feedback

Dami has made progress with their research over the independent study period. They have demonstrated having reached out to stakeholders to gain more insight on how the industry is dealing with fast fashion and looking to be more sustainable. Dami has set up the ground work for what could prove as more fruitful interventions for… Continue reading unit2 assessment feedback

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