The change I want to see

Increased understanding of the environmental effects of the fashion industry has emerged in recent years, sparked by mounting evidence of increased global apparel consumption and powered by increased accessibility and cost-effectiveness. Over the past 3 years, the publication of several authoritative reports documenting the scale of the fashion industry’s environmental effects and the numerous sustainability initiatives pursued by the fashion industry (e.g., the Global Fashion Agenda’s ‘2020 Commitment’) has not only helped to draw more attention to the issues But an apparent wave of intention towards a specific, quantifiable action has also caused. With the abundance of knowledge concerning sustainability in the fashion industry, The aim of this chapter is to provide an overview of (1) the most important environmental impacts from the fashion industry, (2) current leading collective sustainability initiatives mobilising the fashion industry, (3) current available metrics and instruments for assessing the environmental impact of the textile life cycle, and (4) Examples of how apparel firms implement environmental programs in their products or processes. Finally, the chapter will end with some of the emerging issues facing the fashion industry and potential prospects in sustainability. The way we make and wear our clothes and throw them away is unsustainable. Textile fabrication Contributes more to climate change than combined international air travel and shipping; Uses lake-sized freshwater volumes which induces chemical which plastic waste. In the deep sea, in Arctic sea ice, in fish and shellfish, synthetic … Continue reading The change I want to see